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Friday, February 1, 2013

Small Engines Q & A Video #97 in HD

Small Engines Q & A Video #97 in HD

Samsung Galaxy

Video Clips. Duration : 7.93 Mins.

Small Engines Q & A Video #97 in HD

Welcome to my weekly series where your Small Engine questions are answered. Visit my channel for more repair videos; www.youtube.com Questions & Tips in this video; 1. Is it necessary to have the small screen inside my 2 cycle weedeater carburetor? 0:51 2. Where is the idle screw located on my 2 cycle carburetor? 1:51 3. Why is my Stihl MS250 chainsaw not getting oil to the bar and chain? 2:48 4. How do I remove a centrifugal clutch from a horizontal engine? 5:03 5. Why do my weedeater and chainsaw only run on choke or with the gas I spray in the carburetor? 6:08 HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!

Small Engines Q & A Video #97 in HD

Small Engines Q & A Video #97 in HD

Small Engines Q & A Video #97 in HD

Small Engines Q & A Video #97 in HD

No URL Small Engines Q & A Video #97 in HD

Sperm Taste - 10 Simple Tips For Better Tasting Semen

Samsung Galaxy

Sperm taste is affected by what you eat, as are all secretions from the body.

It is a fact that your sperms taste can be improved and making your semen taste better, can be done with a few simple diet changes.

Diet has A major influence on sperm taste as it's a secretion from the body like any other.

Just as your sweat can smell strongly after eating a heavily spiced meal your sperm will also reflect the spices in its taste.

The make up of sperm

Semen is made up of ninety percent (90%) seminal fluids including fructose (sugar) protein, and various trace minerals and nutrients.

The PH of semen is 7 and scientifically neutral, yet it tastes slightly acidic. Let's take a look at the actual ingredients of semen.

A man's ejaculate is actually only 1% sperm.

The rest is composed of various proteins, vitamins, sugars, salts, cholesterol, and water. All the extras are what protect, feeds, fuels the sperm in its journey.

As you can see in terms of semen's composition, it's fairly obvious that what you eat will make it taste better or worse!

Getting a sweeter taste

With sperm taste, the aim is to make it taste sweeter.

All men have a semen taste that is exclusive to them, but the major complaint on sperm taste is normally always the same:

It tastes bitter or salty; let's look at how to make semen taste sweeter

10 Tips for better semen taste

Here then are 10 simple do's and don'ts to improve the taste of your sperm and make your semen taste better and sweeter:

1. Cut out alcohol, caffeine, recreational drugs and nicotine- they're all pollutants.

2. Drink lots of water 1 - 2 liters a day to flush out body toxins.

3. Fruit get plenty each day and sweeten your sperm taste
Pineapple, papaya cranberry, melons, mangos, apples grapes are all good choices. These fruits are high in natural sugars and offset the bitter taste.

4. Eat plenty of vegetables which are generally good for improving sperm taste.

5. While it is true vegetarians generally have better tasting sperm there are vegetables to avoid:

Any vegetables from the cabbage family big offenders also include Cauliflower, broccoli, or asparagus:

5. Cut red meat consumption this is one pf the main offenders when it comes to making sperm taste salty. Dairy produce such as milk and cheese also make sperm taste salty.
Make sure when you eat protein you get good quality lean protein such as chicken and turkey.

Fish is claimed by some to be an offender in terms of taste, but this seems to vary between individuals. Try it and see the affects before cutting it out, fish is a major part of a healthy diet, so don't cut it out!

6. Avoid heavy spices such as Garlic and onions, they're big offenders when it comes to sperm taste, as they have a high sulfur content.

7. Do not buy products that claim to make your semen taste better there is no evidence that they work.
Your semen can be made to taste better by overall changes in diet and lifestyle, it's a complex formula and a good healthy diet has the biggest affect.

8. Parsley, wheatgrass, and celery are particularly recommended for sweeter semen taste, because of their high chlorophyll content.

9. Cinnamon, cardamom, peppermint and lemon are particularly recommended for making semen taste sweeter.

10. Avoid junk food, they're loaded with chemicals and preservatives that pollute your body and your semen's taste.

Try and eat food "from the earth" i.e. as naturally as possible. Also consider taking a zinc and selenium supplement, both are needed for healthy sperm and can make the taste better.

Finally, strong smelling semen may indicate an infection, so if your semen taste doesn't change when you change your diet, you should consider a visit to the doctor.

Your aim with your diet is to eat one that helps your overall health and the above recommendations will not only make your semen taste better you will also feel fitter and healthier as well.

Keep in mind that you can eat some of the foods we don't recommend for sperm taste.

You can enjoy red meat and the occasional spiced curry just keep in mind the following when considering sperm taste:

What you put into your body takes between 12 and 24 hours to secrete out and you should simply keep this in mind before eating and deciding whether you want a better sperm taste on that particular day or not!

Sperm Taste - 10 Simple Tips For Better Tasting Semen

Raccoon Willie: F**CK YOU!!!

Samsung Galaxy

Tube. Duration : 1.52 Mins.

Raccoon Willie: F**CK YOU!!!

Gruff, but lovable, Willie comes back after a few months to discover that the place he once knew has completely changed! Bitch, bitch, bitch with his nasty bear breath... that's all he knows! But the little fag gets a taste of his own hot air at the end; ooooh, Lawdy! ; ) ---------------------- Michael L. Brea

Raccoon Willie: F**CK YOU!!!

Raccoon Willie: F**CK YOU!!!

Raccoon Willie: F**CK YOU!!!

Raccoon Willie: F**CK YOU!!!

No URL Raccoon Willie: F**CK YOU!!!

10 Questions I'm Most Asked about Dogs in Heat

Samsung Galaxy

1. What is heat?

Heat is more properly called the estrous cycle. During this cycle, female dogs may get pregnant. It's equivalent to human menstruation.

2. What are the symptoms?

Females bleed from the vagina sometimes with swelling of the vulva and increased urination. Don't expect bleeding comparable to a human female.

For small dogs, it's usually not much and you may need to pay close attention to your puppy to identify her first cycle. Other than the bleeding, the most noticeable symptom may be
male dogs hanging around your house.

3. When does a dog come into heat?

The average female dog has her first cycle about six months of age. A few dogs start earlier and few dogs later, even as late as 14-months.

If you have a new female puppy, you should watch her and note when she has her first cycle. If she's 14-months old and still hasn't't been in heat, you should take her to a veterinarian.

4. How long does the heat cycle last?

The average is three weeks or 21-days. In some dogs, it lasts only two weeks while others go four weeks.

5. How often will she be in heat?

Most female dogs have regular cycles usually every six to eight months. It's quite typical to be in heat twice a year.

6. When can she get pregnant?

She can get pregnant only when in heat. Some breeders
test for progesterone levels to identify the most fertile days but the rule-of-thumb is that the most fertile days are 11-15 of her cycle.

Note - when she's in heat, the average dog will permit any male
dog to mount her. Few females, however, will accept a male when
they're not in heat.

7. Can she get pregnant her first cycle?

Yes. However, responsible breeders generally would not breed a dog that early. For one thing, you need to do genetic testing and some serious problems such as hip conditions do not show up until a dog is approximately 2-years of age.

8. Can I take her on walks during this cycle?

Yes with care. She has no problem with the exercise but she's a walking magnet for male dogs.

Even the best trained and behaved female dog will succumb to hormones. You can't trust her off a leash or out of your control. Never let her outside by herself even in a fenced yard if there is any possibility of male dogs nearby.

For walks, if there are male dogs in your neighborhood, it's a good idea to take your dog in your car and drive to a remote area. Take her for the walk there and drive back home. Otherwise, the scent of her urine and vaginal discharge will blaze a trail to your home.

9. When I can have her spayed?

The answer to that one has changed continually over the
25-years I've been in the dog business. People used to be told to let their dog go through at least one cycle or let them have one litter.

Today, veterinarians are doing it much earlier. Some vets spay as early as 6-weeks of age! Talk to your veterinarian about your dog and the vet's preferences. The state of veterinary medicine also is much improved over the past 25-years.

10. If I don't have her spayed, will she go through menopause.

No. Her fertility may decline but she will not go through menopause comparable to a human's. She won't lose her ability to become pregnant even as a senior so if you don't want to her to have any (or more) litters, she must be spayed.

10 Questions I'm Most Asked about Dogs in Heat

Black & Decker Leaf Hog: Awesome For Composting!

Samsung Galaxy

Video Clips. Duration : 4.65 Mins.

Black & Decker Leaf Hog: Awesome For Composting!

www.crazyaboutcompost.com Recently I picked up the Black & Decker Leaf Hog to assist with chopping up my leaves for composting. The results were pretty awesome, and I got it for under . Recommended. Be sure to hit the Like button for this video, and go sign up for my FREE 7 day mini-course on how to create awesome compost in 8 simple steps. I guarantee you'll love it, and as always I am anxious to hear from you. Sign up here www.crazyaboutcompost.com Thanks for watching, and keep it dirty! -Tyler

Black & Decker Leaf Hog: Awesome For Composting!

Black & Decker Leaf Hog: Awesome For Composting!

Black & Decker Leaf Hog: Awesome For Composting!

Black & Decker Leaf Hog: Awesome For Composting!

No URL Black & Decker Leaf Hog: Awesome For Composting!

Find the Free Auto Repair Manual You Need Online

Samsung Galaxy

You can easily get a free auto repair manual for whichever repair need you might have. You need an internet access and have to follow a certain procedure searching for auto repair manuals, but when you have done this procedure a few times it will be very easy to find the right instructions for do it yourself auto repair and it won't cost you a dime.

There are four types of automotive description documents that you will need to choose from when you want to do a repair;

  • General manuals
  • Diagnosis descriptions
  • Repair manuals
  • Maintenance manuals

General Manuals

In addition to some general manuals, most of these are related to the make. Here you can get step by step guidance on how to repair most of the makes in the vehicle market. Let's say you have a Honda Acura 2002 model and you want to find a manual for that make and model. What you do is perform the following search in a search engine: "free car manuals+Honda Acura+2002". Then you will have a long list of sites that provide you with all kinds of descriptions for your Honda Acure 2002 model, and you can choose what you want.

Diagnosis descriptions

Automotive diagnosis manuals can also be sub-divided by make and model. But it can also be divided by the area of the vehicle that is affected, for example engine intake problems, brake problems, cooling problems, exhaust problems, start or stall problems, transmission problems etc. Let's say you have a start problem. Your search would be "car diagnosis manual+ start problem", then you should get more than enough repair information to choose from. You can even get diagnostic trees where all options are covered for nothing.

You have probably more than one time heard some annoying noise from somewhere in your vehicle, without finding the source of it. This is one of the most kinky situations to run into because you don't know if it is a serious signal or just a small thing. Some websites gives you the opportunity to diagnose vehicle problems by the noise, sound and vibrating signals - and that is great. The sooner you find it the sooner you can fix it and then you can relax. When you search, you can describe the sound, for example "whine noise" or "shifter knocks" or "driveline vibration" plus car diagnosis manual plus eventually the make.

Repair Manuals

In addition to regular manuals you can also get very instructive and detailed descriptions in other internet document or websites like articles, etc. The natural way to sub-divide such repairs before searching, is by the area of the vehicle that is going to be repaired, for instance body repair, exhaust repair, suspension fix, interior repair and even general car repair.

You do the search the same way as above; "car repair manual (or description) + the area of repair and go through the list of resources you get.

Maintenance manuals

Though vehicle maintenance is closely related to your vehicle make and model, there are some maintenance issues that are pretty much common whether you have a Cadillac, VW or a Mercedes, for example changing oil, changing air filters, engine wash, fluid maintenance, tier maintenance etc. You can get access to maintenance descriptions by searching for the kind of maintenance plus "car maintenance manual (or description)" plus eventually your make and model.

I think you'll be amazed of the amount of automotive repair free stuff online.

Find the Free Auto Repair Manual You Need Online

Look What I Got from Kijiji - STIHL BR420 Backpack :)

Samsung Galaxy

Tube. Duration : 7.68 Mins.

Look What I Got from Kijiji - STIHL BR420 Backpack :)

Please Read: Ever since I bought the BG86 3 weeks ago..I've always wanted to have a STIHL backpack leafblower. I was turned against it because the price for a new entry level backpack blower the BR420 magnum (the 380 isn't sold here) was 0 before tax. I was on kijiji (like craigslist) the night before (July 3rd, this was filmed on July 4) searching for STIHL trimmers (curious to see what was being offered, an FS-106 and FS-85) and typed in leaf blower for the fun of it. As luck would have it I found this BR-420 for the half the price for a new one. I emailed and called the owner so I can take a look at it. When I went there, he told me The model was 5 years old, but it looked amazing for its age. I tried it out before buying it and was very impressed. The guy rarely used it (had only used it for 2 years). So decided to buy it for 5. He threw in ear muffs ( value), 5 cartons of 2-cycle oil and a gas tank for it for free !! Awesome. I've no regrets buying the 86. The trick is to be VERY PATIENT for things to come up. So for the price for the New Backpack, I have 2 very powerful units. Specs are 57cc rated at 3.55hp and has 172mph blowing speed.

Look What I Got from Kijiji - STIHL BR420 Backpack :)

Look What I Got from Kijiji - STIHL BR420 Backpack :)

Look What I Got from Kijiji - STIHL BR420 Backpack :)

Look What I Got from Kijiji - STIHL BR420 Backpack :)

No URL Look What I Got from Kijiji - STIHL BR420 Backpack :)

Treatment of Flea Bites on Human - What Home Remedies Available?

Samsung Galaxy

Fleas not only bite and live off your pets, they bite people too. The typical human reaction to a flea bite is the formation of a small, hard, red, slightly raised, itching spot with no swelling. Some bleeding can occur, particularly if the bitten area is scratched. A single puncture point caused by the flea is generally apparent in the center of each spot.

Flea bites normally occur on the legs and ankles. Different people have different reaction to fleabites. Some people are totally unattractive to fleas and are not affected by the presence of fleas while others may be "appealing" and sensitive to fleas resulting in severe allergic reaction to their bites.

See some pictures of flea bites on humans

Well, how to treat flea bites on human? Before you run off to your family doctor to seek medical treatment, here are some home remedies for the treatment of flea bites on human.

1. Firstly, it's important to keep the affected area clean. Wash the bites with some antiseptic lotion or soap. Use cold water but avoid the use of warm or hot water as this may tend to stimulate itch

2. Secondly, apply a cold pack over the bites to reduce swelling.

3. Do not scratch the inflamed area as this may lead to open wounds and secondary infections.

4. If the affected area is read and swollen, you may apply a mild steroid cream like 1% hydrocortisone cream. This should be easily available from any pharmacy without the need of a prescription. Hydrocortisone helps in reducing inflammation rapidly. Alternatively, if you have a bottle of calamine lotion at home, this may help too.

5. Very often, the itch caused by the fleabites can be very intense. An oral dose of anti-histamine like Dimetapp, Chlortrimeton is very effective in relieving itch. Once the itch stops, you will stop scratching as well and the healing will take place faster.

Treatment of flea bites using these home remedies should improves within a few days, However, if the condition worsen whereby, they remained red and swollen with discharges, then a trip to your family doctor may be necessary. Your doctor may prescribe a course of antibiotics for you and a jab of steroid may be needed to stop the inflammation.

However, success in treating flea bites is by no means a solution to your problem. To avoid further bites from these little pesky creatures, the only solution is to get rid of them totally. Killing fleas in house, getting rid of fleas on pets is what you need to do as part of your flea extermination plan

Treatment of Flea Bites on Human - What Home Remedies Available?

poulan pro blower review

Samsung Galaxy

Tube. Duration : 3.77 Mins.

poulan pro blower review


poulan pro blower review

poulan pro blower review

poulan pro blower review

poulan pro blower review

No URL poulan pro blower review

Find the Free Auto Repair Manual You Need Online

Samsung Galaxy

You can easily get a free auto repair manual for whichever repair need you might have. You need an internet access and have to follow a certain procedure searching for auto repair manuals, but when you have done this procedure a few times it will be very easy to find the right instructions for do it yourself auto repair and it won't cost you a dime.

There are four types of automotive description documents that you will need to choose from when you want to do a repair;

  • General manuals
  • Diagnosis descriptions
  • Repair manuals
  • Maintenance manuals

General Manuals

In addition to some general manuals, most of these are related to the make. Here you can get step by step guidance on how to repair most of the makes in the vehicle market. Let's say you have a Honda Acura 2002 model and you want to find a manual for that make and model. What you do is perform the following search in a search engine: "free car manuals+Honda Acura+2002". Then you will have a long list of sites that provide you with all kinds of descriptions for your Honda Acure 2002 model, and you can choose what you want.

Diagnosis descriptions

Automotive diagnosis manuals can also be sub-divided by make and model. But it can also be divided by the area of the vehicle that is affected, for example engine intake problems, brake problems, cooling problems, exhaust problems, start or stall problems, transmission problems etc. Let's say you have a start problem. Your search would be "car diagnosis manual+ start problem", then you should get more than enough repair information to choose from. You can even get diagnostic trees where all options are covered for nothing.

You have probably more than one time heard some annoying noise from somewhere in your vehicle, without finding the source of it. This is one of the most kinky situations to run into because you don't know if it is a serious signal or just a small thing. Some websites gives you the opportunity to diagnose vehicle problems by the noise, sound and vibrating signals - and that is great. The sooner you find it the sooner you can fix it and then you can relax. When you search, you can describe the sound, for example "whine noise" or "shifter knocks" or "driveline vibration" plus car diagnosis manual plus eventually the make.

Repair Manuals

In addition to regular manuals you can also get very instructive and detailed descriptions in other internet document or websites like articles, etc. The natural way to sub-divide such repairs before searching, is by the area of the vehicle that is going to be repaired, for instance body repair, exhaust repair, suspension fix, interior repair and even general car repair.

You do the search the same way as above; "car repair manual (or description) + the area of repair and go through the list of resources you get.

Maintenance manuals

Though vehicle maintenance is closely related to your vehicle make and model, there are some maintenance issues that are pretty much common whether you have a Cadillac, VW or a Mercedes, for example changing oil, changing air filters, engine wash, fluid maintenance, tier maintenance etc. You can get access to maintenance descriptions by searching for the kind of maintenance plus "car maintenance manual (or description)" plus eventually your make and model.

I think you'll be amazed of the amount of automotive repair free stuff online.

Find the Free Auto Repair Manual You Need Online

Chemical Guys - Metro Blaster Sidekick Blower Car Motorycle Dryer and Blower

Samsung Galaxy

Video Clips. Duration : 1.37 Mins.

Chemical Guys - Metro Blaster Sidekick Blower Car Motorycle Dryer and Blower

BLOW LIKE A PRO! THE PROFESSIONAL GRADE EVERYDAY USE HEAVY DUTY MASTER BLASTER IS OUR PROFESSIONAL GRADE SOLUTION TO SOME HEAVY DUTY DRYING! Detailing professionals love our Chemical Guys Blower but kept asking for a Heavier Duty Professional Version they could use every single day for detailing! The NEW EXTREMELY POWERFUL MASTER BLASTER MEANSMASTER BLASTER HIGH POWER DRYER SYSTEM BUSINESS! The Chemical Guys Master Blaster has a turbine propeller inside! The heavy duty 1.3HP engine rapidly propels the turbine to generate a hair blowing 18000FPM .....THATS NUTS! To make this extremely powerful machine even better, heavy duty 100% made in the USA metal enclosure ensures this blower will last forever. Features: Air Volume: 160MPH/85CFM Blows air off any vehicle, motorcycle, ETC in seconds Dry any vehicle FAST. More powerful then a leaf blower! Soft, flexible rubber nozzle won't scratch paint Remove nozzle for easy storage Air Speed: 18000 FPM HP Motor: 1.3 Amps: 8 Volts: 120 Watts: 950 Warranty: 1 YEAR WARRANTY MADE IN USA Learn More and Pick one up at a super deal : www.chemicalguys.com

Chemical Guys - Metro Blaster Sidekick Blower Car Motorycle Dryer and Blower

Chemical Guys - Metro Blaster Sidekick Blower Car Motorycle Dryer and Blower

Chemical Guys - Metro Blaster Sidekick Blower Car Motorycle Dryer and Blower

Chemical Guys - Metro Blaster Sidekick Blower Car Motorycle Dryer and Blower

No URL Chemical Guys - Metro Blaster Sidekick Blower Car Motorycle Dryer and Blower

Find the Free Auto Repair Manual You Need Online

Samsung Galaxy

You can easily get a free auto repair manual for whichever repair need you might have. You need an internet access and have to follow a certain procedure searching for auto repair manuals, but when you have done this procedure a few times it will be very easy to find the right instructions for do it yourself auto repair and it won't cost you a dime.

There are four types of automotive description documents that you will need to choose from when you want to do a repair;

  • General manuals
  • Diagnosis descriptions
  • Repair manuals
  • Maintenance manuals

General Manuals

In addition to some general manuals, most of these are related to the make. Here you can get step by step guidance on how to repair most of the makes in the vehicle market. Let's say you have a Honda Acura 2002 model and you want to find a manual for that make and model. What you do is perform the following search in a search engine: "free car manuals+Honda Acura+2002". Then you will have a long list of sites that provide you with all kinds of descriptions for your Honda Acure 2002 model, and you can choose what you want.

Diagnosis descriptions

Automotive diagnosis manuals can also be sub-divided by make and model. But it can also be divided by the area of the vehicle that is affected, for example engine intake problems, brake problems, cooling problems, exhaust problems, start or stall problems, transmission problems etc. Let's say you have a start problem. Your search would be "car diagnosis manual+ start problem", then you should get more than enough repair information to choose from. You can even get diagnostic trees where all options are covered for nothing.

You have probably more than one time heard some annoying noise from somewhere in your vehicle, without finding the source of it. This is one of the most kinky situations to run into because you don't know if it is a serious signal or just a small thing. Some websites gives you the opportunity to diagnose vehicle problems by the noise, sound and vibrating signals - and that is great. The sooner you find it the sooner you can fix it and then you can relax. When you search, you can describe the sound, for example "whine noise" or "shifter knocks" or "driveline vibration" plus car diagnosis manual plus eventually the make.

Repair Manuals

In addition to regular manuals you can also get very instructive and detailed descriptions in other internet document or websites like articles, etc. The natural way to sub-divide such repairs before searching, is by the area of the vehicle that is going to be repaired, for instance body repair, exhaust repair, suspension fix, interior repair and even general car repair.

You do the search the same way as above; "car repair manual (or description) + the area of repair and go through the list of resources you get.

Maintenance manuals

Though vehicle maintenance is closely related to your vehicle make and model, there are some maintenance issues that are pretty much common whether you have a Cadillac, VW or a Mercedes, for example changing oil, changing air filters, engine wash, fluid maintenance, tier maintenance etc. You can get access to maintenance descriptions by searching for the kind of maintenance plus "car maintenance manual (or description)" plus eventually your make and model.

I think you'll be amazed of the amount of automotive repair free stuff online.

Find the Free Auto Repair Manual You Need Online

Lawnboy 5247 and STIHL BG86 and FS-38 in Action

Samsung Galaxy

Tube. Duration : 9.23 Mins.

Lawnboy 5247 and STIHL BG86 and FS-38 in Action

Another lawn cutting video for you all to enjoy!

Lawnboy 5247 and STIHL BG86 and FS-38 in Action

Lawnboy 5247 and STIHL BG86 and FS-38 in Action

Lawnboy 5247 and STIHL BG86 and FS-38 in Action

Lawnboy 5247 and STIHL BG86 and FS-38 in Action

No URL Lawnboy 5247 and STIHL BG86 and FS-38 in Action

Benefits Of Vitamin B12

Samsung Galaxy

Vitamin B12 is a safe, reliable and inexpensive vitamin. For health-conscious individuals, a regular intake of a prescribed amount of vitamin B12 is a key element for preserving a balance in the human body. B12 could be obtained from food sources or could be taken in the form of supplements orally or via injections.

In combination with other B-group vitamins, vitamin B12 ensures the smooth functioning of vital life processes of the human body. It is important for maintaining a healthy nervous system and DNA production. Vitamin B12 helps to regulate the formation of red blood cells in the body. Other benefits of vitamin B12 include its role in maintaining and increasing energy levels in the human body.

Vitamin B12 is highly beneficial in various forms. Methylcobalamin, the coenzyme form of vitamin B12 is a body-friendly version, which means that no metabolic steps are required for its ingestion and it can be used it in its normal form. It is available as a sublingual tablet that dissolves under the tongue (because the digestive system might modify this molecule). Through this method, vitamin B12 can directly penetrate the bloodstream and yield numerous benefits. Hydroxocobalamin is another form of vitamin B12 that has been recognized as an effective cure for cyanide poisoning.

Research studies reveal a clear, inverse correlation between homocysteine (an amino acid found in the human body) levels and vitamin B12 levels. Blocking the formation of homocysteine leads to endothelial dysfunction (a narrowing of the arteries) and is a precursor of atherosclerosis; vitamin B12 helps to curb atherosclerosis. A supplement of vitamin B12 also augments the efficiency of folic acid's capacity to lower homocysteine levels. Researchers are of the opinion that in conjunction with folic acid, an adequate dose of vitamin B12 helps to counter heart diseases and thrombosis. The synthesis of S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe), a compound involved in immune function and mood, depends on the association of folate and vitamin B12.

Studies indicate that absorption of Vitamin B12 decreases with an increase in age. Hence, an increased intake of vitamin B12 is extremely useful for adults above fifty. The recommended form of intake is in supplement form, since elderly people absorb this form better than food forms of vitamin B12. A supplementation of vitamin B12 aids in the cognitive function and heals neurological impairment within this group.

In most cases, vitamin B12 should be taken in conjunction with a folic acid supplement and a B-Complex vitamin. The good news is that while an intake of vitamin B12 facilitates functions necessary for everyday existence, an extra dose causes no harm but instead could be stored for future use.

Benefits Of Vitamin B12

Cold Start The Homelite Vac Attack Blower

Samsung Galaxy

Video Clips. Duration : 2.63 Mins.

Cold Start The Homelite Vac Attack Blower

that was 3 year old chain saw mix in it ! Vid # 78

Cold Start The Homelite Vac Attack Blower

Cold Start The Homelite Vac Attack Blower

Cold Start The Homelite Vac Attack Blower

Cold Start The Homelite Vac Attack Blower

No URL Cold Start The Homelite Vac Attack Blower

Sperm Taste - 10 Simple Tips For Better Tasting Semen

Samsung Galaxy

Sperm taste is affected by what you eat, as are all secretions from the body.

It is a fact that your sperms taste can be improved and making your semen taste better, can be done with a few simple diet changes.

Diet has A major influence on sperm taste as it's a secretion from the body like any other.

Just as your sweat can smell strongly after eating a heavily spiced meal your sperm will also reflect the spices in its taste.

The make up of sperm

Semen is made up of ninety percent (90%) seminal fluids including fructose (sugar) protein, and various trace minerals and nutrients.

The PH of semen is 7 and scientifically neutral, yet it tastes slightly acidic. Let's take a look at the actual ingredients of semen.

A man's ejaculate is actually only 1% sperm.

The rest is composed of various proteins, vitamins, sugars, salts, cholesterol, and water. All the extras are what protect, feeds, fuels the sperm in its journey.

As you can see in terms of semen's composition, it's fairly obvious that what you eat will make it taste better or worse!

Getting a sweeter taste

With sperm taste, the aim is to make it taste sweeter.

All men have a semen taste that is exclusive to them, but the major complaint on sperm taste is normally always the same:

It tastes bitter or salty; let's look at how to make semen taste sweeter

10 Tips for better semen taste

Here then are 10 simple do's and don'ts to improve the taste of your sperm and make your semen taste better and sweeter:

1. Cut out alcohol, caffeine, recreational drugs and nicotine- they're all pollutants.

2. Drink lots of water 1 - 2 liters a day to flush out body toxins.

3. Fruit get plenty each day and sweeten your sperm taste
Pineapple, papaya cranberry, melons, mangos, apples grapes are all good choices. These fruits are high in natural sugars and offset the bitter taste.

4. Eat plenty of vegetables which are generally good for improving sperm taste.

5. While it is true vegetarians generally have better tasting sperm there are vegetables to avoid:

Any vegetables from the cabbage family big offenders also include Cauliflower, broccoli, or asparagus:

5. Cut red meat consumption this is one pf the main offenders when it comes to making sperm taste salty. Dairy produce such as milk and cheese also make sperm taste salty.
Make sure when you eat protein you get good quality lean protein such as chicken and turkey.

Fish is claimed by some to be an offender in terms of taste, but this seems to vary between individuals. Try it and see the affects before cutting it out, fish is a major part of a healthy diet, so don't cut it out!

6. Avoid heavy spices such as Garlic and onions, they're big offenders when it comes to sperm taste, as they have a high sulfur content.

7. Do not buy products that claim to make your semen taste better there is no evidence that they work.
Your semen can be made to taste better by overall changes in diet and lifestyle, it's a complex formula and a good healthy diet has the biggest affect.

8. Parsley, wheatgrass, and celery are particularly recommended for sweeter semen taste, because of their high chlorophyll content.

9. Cinnamon, cardamom, peppermint and lemon are particularly recommended for making semen taste sweeter.

10. Avoid junk food, they're loaded with chemicals and preservatives that pollute your body and your semen's taste.

Try and eat food "from the earth" i.e. as naturally as possible. Also consider taking a zinc and selenium supplement, both are needed for healthy sperm and can make the taste better.

Finally, strong smelling semen may indicate an infection, so if your semen taste doesn't change when you change your diet, you should consider a visit to the doctor.

Your aim with your diet is to eat one that helps your overall health and the above recommendations will not only make your semen taste better you will also feel fitter and healthier as well.

Keep in mind that you can eat some of the foods we don't recommend for sperm taste.

You can enjoy red meat and the occasional spiced curry just keep in mind the following when considering sperm taste:

What you put into your body takes between 12 and 24 hours to secrete out and you should simply keep this in mind before eating and deciding whether you want a better sperm taste on that particular day or not!

Sperm Taste - 10 Simple Tips For Better Tasting Semen

Repairing a junked blade blower

Samsung Galaxy

Tube. Duration : 14.03 Mins.

Repairing a junked blade blower

Finding this leaf blower in a junk yard turned out that with some minor repairs, it will work as good as new.

Repairing a junked blade blower

Repairing a junked blade blower

Repairing a junked blade blower

Repairing a junked blade blower

No URL Repairing a junked blade blower

How Do I Make My Penis Bigger? Three Rookie Techniques

Samsung Galaxy

How do I make my penis bigger? Considering that I was under six inches long for most of my life, that is a question whose answer I used to strive for constantly. Unfortunately, it took over a year for me to get it through my thick skull that the pills, potions, and gadgets I was using were doing nothing but deflating my wallet.

Once I discovered natural penis enlargement techniques and began making true penis gains for the first time, however, I never spent another dime on that garbage.

Here are three good natural penis enhancement techniques I recommend for rookies. Done properly and consistently, they should add close to an inch to your penis in six weeks.

1. Penis stretches. This one is very simple. Just take your flaccid penis and stretch it as far out in front of your body as it will go. Do it gently and gradually and hold it there for thirty seconds. Rest ten seconds between sets and repeat this at least ten times.

2. Jelqing. This is another great technique for rookies. Get your penis halfway erect, apply lubrication, and grip it tightly at the base with the thumb and forefinger of one hand. Slowly slide that hand up the shaft toward the tip, pushing as much blood into your penis as possible. When you reach the tip, immediately grip the base the same way using the other hand and repeat. Do this nonstop for ten minutes.

3. Ulis. This is a great exercise to increase girth. It is also very easy and does not take much time. Achieve a full erection and grip the base of your penis the same way you would if you were jelqing. Squeeze as hard as you can without causing discomfort. Your penis shaft should swell and your penis head should get big and shiny. Hold for ten seconds and rest for ten seconds. Repeat this three or four times.

Do this routine every other day and make sure you warm your penis up before each workout by wrapping it in a hot washcloth for five minutes.

Always remember, if you are not satisfied with what you were born with, it is never too late to do something about it!

How Do I Make My Penis Bigger? Three Rookie Techniques

Working on a artisan blade blower

Samsung Galaxy

Tube. Duration : 8.75 Mins.

Working on a artisan blade blower

Back to the traditional videos for this channel, working on engines and lawn equipment. after I made this video I found the problem in the carburator, will be making an update video soon.

Working on a artisan blade blower

Working on a artisan blade blower

Working on a artisan blade blower

Working on a artisan blade blower

No URL Working on a artisan blade blower

Back to the traditional videos for this channel, working on engines and lawn equipment. after I made this video I found the problem in the carburator, will be making an update video soon.


How Do I Make My Penis Bigger? Three Rookie Techniques

How Do I Make My Penis Bigger? Three Rookie Techniques
How Do I Make My Penis Bigger? Three Rookie Techniques

If you want a detailed, step-by-step course on how to put 1-4 inches on your penis FAST, here is a link to the method that helped me gain most of my penis size:


This is what I personally used to add three solid inches to my length and over an inch to my girth. It is 100% GUARANTEED to add size down south!

Finding this leaf blower in a junk yard turned out that with some minor repairs, it will work as good as new.


Sperm Taste - 10 Simple Tips For Better Tasting Semen

Sperm Taste - 10 Simple Tips For Better Tasting Semen
Sperm Taste - 10 Simple Tips For Better Tasting Semen

For more sensible advice on sperm taste and making your semen taste better, as well as male fertility, general health and sex advice including: Articles ezines, magazines and downloads visit:


that was 3 year old chain saw mix in it ! Vid # 78


Benefits Of Vitamin B12

Benefits Of Vitamin B12
Benefits Of Vitamin B12

Vitamin B 12 [http://www.e-vitaminb12.com] provides detailed information on Vitamin B 12, Vitamin B 12 Creams, Vitamin B 12 Deficiency, Vitamin B 12 Injections and more. Vitamin B 12 is affiliated with Topical Vitamin C.

Another lawn cutting video for you all to enjoy!


Find the Free Auto Repair Manual You Need Online

Find the Free Auto Repair Manual You Need Online
Find the Free Auto Repair Manual You Need Online

Terje Brooks Ellingsen is a writer and internet publisher. Terje gives advice and helps people with automotive issues like free or cheap auto repair manuals and online car auctions.

BLOW LIKE A PRO! THE PROFESSIONAL GRADE EVERYDAY USE HEAVY DUTY MASTER BLASTER IS OUR PROFESSIONAL GRADE SOLUTION TO SOME HEAVY DUTY DRYING! Detailing professionals love our Chemical Guys Blower but kept asking for a Heavier Duty Professional Version they could use every single day for detailing! The NEW EXTREMELY POWERFUL MASTER BLASTER MEANSMASTER BLASTER HIGH POWER DRYER SYSTEM BUSINESS! The Chemical Guys Master Blaster has a turbine propeller inside! The heavy duty 1.3HP engine rapidly propels the turbine to generate a hair blowing 18000FPM .....THATS NUTS! To make this extremely powerful machine even better, heavy duty 100% made in the USA metal enclosure ensures this blower will last forever. Features: Air Volume: 160MPH/85CFM Blows air off any vehicle, motorcycle, ETC in seconds Dry any vehicle FAST. More powerful then a leaf blower! Soft, flexible rubber nozzle won't scratch paint Remove nozzle for easy storage Air Speed: 18000 FPM HP Motor: 1.3 Amps: 8 Volts: 120 Watts: 950 Warranty: 1 YEAR WARRANTY MADE IN USA Learn More and Pick one up at a super deal : www.chemicalguys.com


Find the Free Auto Repair Manual You Need Online

Find the Free Auto Repair Manual You Need Online
Find the Free Auto Repair Manual You Need Online

Terje Brooks Ellingsen is a writer and internet publisher. Terje gives advice and helps people with automotive issues like free or cheap auto repair manuals and online car auctions.



Treatment of Flea Bites on Human - What Home Remedies Available?

Treatment of Flea Bites on Human - What Home Remedies Available?
Treatment of Flea Bites on Human - What Home Remedies Available?

Ann owns an animal shelter housing 150 dogs and cats. Understanding the difficulty and frustration of pet owners in getting rid of fleas, she has publish a website on "Flea Control" with the purpose of helping people especially pet owners solve this problem completely.

Please Read: Ever since I bought the BG86 3 weeks ago..I've always wanted to have a STIHL backpack leafblower. I was turned against it because the price for a new entry level backpack blower the BR420 magnum (the 380 isn't sold here) was 0 before tax. I was on kijiji (like craigslist) the night before (July 3rd, this was filmed on July 4) searching for STIHL trimmers (curious to see what was being offered, an FS-106 and FS-85) and typed in leaf blower for the fun of it. As luck would have it I found this BR-420 for the half the price for a new one. I emailed and called the owner so I can take a look at it. When I went there, he told me The model was 5 years old, but it looked amazing for its age. I tried it out before buying it and was very impressed. The guy rarely used it (had only used it for 2 years). So decided to buy it for 5. He threw in ear muffs ( value), 5 cartons of 2-cycle oil and a gas tank for it for free !! Awesome. I've no regrets buying the 86. The trick is to be VERY PATIENT for things to come up. So for the price for the New Backpack, I have 2 very powerful units. Specs are 57cc rated at 3.55hp and has 172mph blowing speed.


Find the Free Auto Repair Manual You Need Online

Find the Free Auto Repair Manual You Need Online
Find the Free Auto Repair Manual You Need Online

Terje Brooks Ellingsen is a writer and internet publisher. Terje gives advice and helps people with automotive issues like free or cheap auto repair manuals and online car auctions.

www.crazyaboutcompost.com Recently I picked up the Black & Decker Leaf Hog to assist with chopping up my leaves for composting. The results were pretty awesome, and I got it for under . Recommended. Be sure to hit the Like button for this video, and go sign up for my FREE 7 day mini-course on how to create awesome compost in 8 simple steps. I guarantee you'll love it, and as always I am anxious to hear from you. Sign up here www.crazyaboutcompost.com Thanks for watching, and keep it dirty! -Tyler


10 Questions I'm Most Asked about Dogs in Heat

10 Questions I'm Most Asked about Dogs in Heat
10 Questions I'm Most Asked about Dogs in Heat

Louise Louis is a certified canine specialist and the creator of http://www.ToyBreeds.com, your online resource for Toy breed dogs.

Gruff, but lovable, Willie comes back after a few months to discover that the place he once knew has completely changed! Bitch, bitch, bitch with his nasty bear breath... that's all he knows! But the little fag gets a taste of his own hot air at the end; ooooh, Lawdy! ; ) ---------------------- Michael L. Brea


Sperm Taste - 10 Simple Tips For Better Tasting Semen

Sperm Taste - 10 Simple Tips For Better Tasting Semen
Sperm Taste - 10 Simple Tips For Better Tasting Semen

For more sensible advice on sperm taste and making your semen taste better, as well as male fertility, general health and sex advice including: Articles ezines, magazines and downloads visit:


Welcome to my weekly series where your Small Engine questions are answered. Visit my channel for more repair videos; www.youtube.com Questions & Tips in this video; 1. Is it necessary to have the small screen inside my 2 cycle weedeater carburetor? 0:51 2. Where is the idle screw located on my 2 cycle carburetor? 1:51 3. Why is my Stihl MS250 chainsaw not getting oil to the bar and chain? 2:48 4. How do I remove a centrifugal clutch from a horizontal engine? 5:03 5. Why do my weedeater and chainsaw only run on choke or with the gas I spray in the carburetor? 6:08 HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!


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